Daily Moment Timer Countdown

The Idea!

There will be two 24 hour timers that are offset by 12 hours and both signify a 5 minute pause to allow every human to take time and rest, shared across the world. I decided to add the five minutes every day so that it would change every day and allow different groups of people to connect as the timers shift when they end throughout the day, forever. Over time the clock will change when it occurs in each individuals day but it will be gradual and we will adapt. I decided to create two 24 hour timers and keep them separate, as I expect for now, it is likely a person will have an easier time attempting to sync with either Timer A or Timer B. Doing both is for the extreme, like myself. I want everybody to have an opportunity to join this idea in their waking moments and I know I must be the one to just do it and set the timers every day, at least, for now.
It is my intent that every human possible will focus on the moment at the end of the timer and take time out of the busy day to just rest their mind and allow themselves to begin to look inwards and also be able to look outwards and be aware of something bigger than them happening, and it will create a unique feeling of connectedness. It could be used as a way to connect with loved ones in other parts of the world, or who we may not be with.
The timers are the time until I take a very focused 5 minutes to think about myself and you and how we might be thinking the same things. I hope you join me.